Environmentals 1 - Temperatures

So is it true that when ghosts and spirits try to manifest they cause cold spots?

Hands under thermal imaging hot spots

Date: 7th June 2018

“So when ghosts and spirits manifest or are present in close proximity they cause the temperatures to drop and get colder”

It's just a myth...

That's right. You heard correctly. It really is just a myth that has no credible proof. It has been over-zealously done to death on paranormal TV programmes to the extent that anyone who has an interest in the paranormal will believe this to be true. And the hosts and presenters of those programmes don't help matters at all. In fact they hinder the paranormal field!

"Ooh I've got goosebumps" or "I feel a cold spot" and "Look at the hairs standing up on my arm!" These types of comments by presenters on these TV programmes have started a lemming-type non-stop approach by investigators and ghost hunters alike to think they feel these cold spots as supposed manifestations of ghosts and spirits. So they get out their temperature probes (usually the IR type that only takes non-contact readings) and claim a drop in temperature.

What people have to realise is that the slightest temperature drop will cause the hairs on the back of the neck or arms to spike up. It's just natural reaction of the body... when you feel slightly colder the hairs are stimulated by muscle linked to them and stand up in order to capture more air in a hope to insulate your body.

This can happen anytime and can be caused by the slightest breeze, by someone walking passed you, while standing in a draught, by a window or door... almost anywhere. The power of one's mind can be an issue depending upon where you are. If you are in a supposedly haunted location the slightest breeze make cause you to think there is a ghost.

The Human Body

It's a fact of nature that environmental factors are part of the planet that we as humans must live with whilst we are on the Earth. Temperature fluctuations occur all over the world whether you are inside or outside. Therefore we will always feel these temperature changes.

But what of those sudden changes in temperatures that some people believe are down to ghost and spirits trying to manifest into our real realm... and just how many people actually believe this?

The answer is many, many people.

But before we all start jumping on the bandwagon of 'believers' we must gather our own common sense and collective thoughts to try and make sense of why this is such a belief... and also as to why this is not the case.

In first instance we have to establish that normal body temperature, on average, is generally 37°C (98.6°F). Now it is very common for body temperature to fluctuate 0.6°C one way or the other, although anything above 37.5°C will be usually considered recognising as a fever.

Now this 0.6°C difference might sound insignificant out in the environment because sensors will pick up the changes where our human senses will not even detect the change. But this slight difference in the human body is something that you will realise and feel... and your body will quickly try to adapt. This fluctuation can occur at any time throughout the day.

These fluctuations can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. if you're quiet and relaxed

  2. if you're active and racing around

  3. metabolic rate

  4. weight

  5. exercise

  6. age

  7. hormones

  8. pregnancy

  9. gender

  10. onset of illness

  11. medical conditions

  12. the human body clock

...and the above list is in no way an exhaustive one!

The Human Brain and Mind

Well there is one thing that is certain... and that is the human brain is an incredible thing. It can multitask several things at once, process information at lightning speeds... and also provides the power to create ideas and thoughts... and a never-ending imagination.


The brain is 73% water... and a 2% drop in hydration can cause significant loss of memory, attention and cognitive skills. Similar that multitasking reduces the productivity of an individual. The more thoughts being processed the larger the reduction in attention and performance. Deprivation of sleep can also cause lack of reaction and impairment.

So from a paranormal viewpoint we can establish that people can be feeling all types of emotions... and feeling fear, shock or anxiety is part and parcel of sitting in the dark looking for ghosts.

Like we've already established, the body's biological clock also affects body temperature. For example, prior to going to sleep the body cools its temperature somewhat to help bring on sleep. As we wake up, the biological clock increases body temperature so that we can function normally during the day.

So to note that when you are on an investigation – usually at night and into the early hours, your body would normally be in sleep mode and therefore will try to place itself in that mode as a matter of course.

We mentioned medical conditions and illnesses too. Bacterial infection can also cause the body temperature to rise. In fact, it's one of the most common causes of increased body temperature.

From a medical viewpoint, other reasons for temperature fluctuations:

  1. Medications like antibiotics, narcotics, and antihistamines (to name a few)

  2. Medical conditions - heart conditions, cancers, leukaemia, and Hodgkin's lymphoma (to name a few)

  3. Shock (low body temperature)

  4. Alcohol (low body temperature)

  5. Drug use (low body temperature)

  6. Metabolic disorders - diabetes and hyperthyroidism

It's also common for episodes of increased stress and anxiety to cause a person to feel cold or chilly because of the restricted blood flow to the skin due to the constriction of blood vessels caused by the stress response.

When we feel cold or chilly, the body wants to increase its body temperature because it is dropping toward the low end within the normal range.


It must be known that there are a vast number of reasons for feeling chilly and experiencing those cold or hot spots. It is not down to paranormal activity... there is no proof that ghosts affect temperatures. If you do your thorough research you might just find a more factual and rational reason for that chilly feeling.