God vs Satan - Good vs Evil - Angels vs Demons

"When some major disaster occurs in the world we usually say: It's an act of God. So if all things bad are claimed to be evil then why do we not claim these major disasters as an 'Act of Satan' instead?"

Read on to find out more...

Date: 26th October 2019

“Why do any negative feelings and cold spots and erratic behaviours of supposedly possessed people claimed to be demonic and satanic?”

The Bible claims that God is the love, the light and the all powerful - the good against evil.

...so why does the Old Testament portray God as a murderous deity that clearly killed more that Satan?

Heaven and Hell

We are all in the knowledge that there is a clear distinction between heaven and hell - that God rules with love from above and that Satan is the evil tyrant from the fires below.

In fact all movies depict this good vs evil as God vs Satan... it is always God and his angels are the good guys to be loved and cherished... whilst Satan and his demons are the evil ones to be feared at all costs. Even the environment of these two places is always calm, love and light from heaven and fire and destruction from hell.

The Bible

According to the Bible, God is more moral than Satan. Satan is the root of all evil. Satan is the bad one!

Why is that?

Well followers of the Bible will always say God is the light, the saviour and the all Holy. They will even say that God says “I am God, follow me!”

According to the Old Testament, God is nothing more than a murderous deity looking over all his charges not unlike a Governor or a Warden of a prison… and where these latter people are there to keep order, God is the most feared that he would exterminate us as leave look at us. This is plain to read up on in the Bible… as God was responsible for a vast amount of deaths.

What if God was actually the evil one and that we have all been made to think Satan was to hide this fact? After all, God is responsible for over 200 million deaths. Now Satan in a vast opposite is responsible for only 10, all of which God commanded of him. If something bad happens like an earthquake or a Tsunami, we tend to call it 'an act of God' not an 'act of Satan'...


Millions of 'believers' claim that God is good, when the 'evidence' from his alleged behaviours seems to be entirely the opposite. Throughout the bible there are numerous accounts of God dishing out divine punishment by way of genocide, plagues, ethnic cleansing, etc. If the bible were the "word of God" then God supports slavery, torture, genocide and all manner of death and destruction and suffering. There does not appear to be any mention of Satan being blamed for such things... only in modern times where the masses blame something on being evil, demonic or the work of the devil!

The Crucifixion as an example, which is the foundation of the Christian religion, is nothing less than a human sacrifice, and purportedly to allow sinners to go free of punishment for their sins. What father would have his own son, a 'good man' by all accounts, brutally tortured and murdered so that 'bad' people could be let of their crimes?

If the answer is that God loves us all and wants us to be forgiven then why did he not just do that? Why did he insist on a bloodthirsty Crucifixion first?

Modern times

God has committed many acts of evil and somehow managed to amass an incredible following. That means God must be the ultimate deceiver. He has painted Satan as the deceiver to disguise his own faults and gain worshippers in a classic manner. God is a clearly a Tyrant!

As a tyrannical dictator, God could quite easily condemn the good guy and convince enough people that he is acting for the good of the people. In others words, God can get away with much evil.

So in modern times where do we see this tyrannical behaviour? Where do we see this God-like behaviour that many people follow without question?

1. Hitler – under the Nazi Third Reich 11 million people (6 million of which were Jews) were killed. He also incited WWII which claimed 50 to 70 million lives

2. Stalin – under his regime 14 to 20 million people died and further millions (unknown) were deported and exiled

3. Pol Pot – claimed 1 million lives from starvation, imprisonment, forced labour and murder

4. Idi Amin – claimed 250,000 lives during his campaign

5. Saddam Hussein – responsible for between 500,000 to 1 million deaths

It is not hard to see where this is a ploy commonly used by skilful politicians and dictators… and just about anyone who seeks personal gain at the expense of others. This is considered to be tyrannical behaviour to hold absolute and ultimate power over the people who then look on them as a god...


According to the bible, Satan rebelled against God and some other angels took to Satan's side. It all ended when the rebellion lost it's war with God and so God banished Satan and his angels to hell... so they became the Devil and Demons. Regarding Demons and demonic possession - it really is all the movies and TV programs fault as they portray the dark entities as bad. It is quite possibly our own making as many of us like to be frightened and love horror movies, etc.

But in all religions around the world, there is a 'God'... in whatever shape or form. So in these religions is there not also a devil? And that all believers in religion are told to believe in their God and denounce evil - hence denounce all their believed devils too.

But what of the non-believers?

Surely it must be true that if believers believe in evil and their devils then the non-believers must dismiss any form of the devil, including demons. For only believers and followers must believe in God and therefore fear Satan.

So if non-believers do not believe in God then they must not believe in Satan or any form of demons. So perhaps where there are those who feel that any form of negative feelings or oppression... and even demonic possessions... are evil, there are also those who must consider these same feelings, etc. as nothing more than anomalies that have nothing to do with evil.

It is a belief thing!

And another point to make is that most who claim they have witnessed or been a victim of 'demonic possession' are generally those who are true believers and have a deep faith in God... so is it really the work of demons or the work of God?

...it is a good question to ponder on...


Do we not always root for the hero? The little guy? That one person who tries to stand up to tyranny and oppression? So should we not believe that Satan and his so-called demons are in fact the ones that are trying to stop the evil that God clearly portrays.

Satan is the only deity who truly stands for free will. God threatens us with punishments for not adhering to his wishes. But Satan tells us that we should enjoy our lives and be happy and free to do what we think is right.

So if you believe then that is your right to do so. And if you do not believe then that is also your right... and as such you do not need to fear anything that is 'negative' as being evil and demonic... because there is simply no evidence to suggest that all negative feelings are of the devil and demons...