If ghosts are not souls/spirits of the dead, then what are they?

"It is thought that traumatic deaths are what causes ghosts... people that die suddenly and/or they have died and have some "unfinished business" to attend to... so where are all the new ghosts in the world?"

Date: 9th June 2020

“50 million people die each year... surely new ghosts must appear?”

You would think that with all those deaths in the world we would see new ghosts... if the word of some paranormal investigators is to believed that ghosts are of those who died in traumatic circumstances and still believe they are alive...

In the media...

TV and Film has a lot to answer for with regards to fuelling the fire of people's imaginations. Take every movie ever made that is surrounding the spirit world... they depict the Devil and Demons as evil entities and sometimes ghosts of certain people as the malevolent enemy of the protagonist.

Even the interest in the paranormal has escalated due to some TV programmes like Most Haunted and Ghost Adventures, etc. But people need to realise that TV and film does not correctly portray what ghosts and spirits might actually be. Too many times these presenters just give the viewing audience what they want: entertainment and jump-scares (too many to warrant any alleged paranormal activity as real).

The main issue is that people are mystified, and sometimes scared, by ghosts and the paranormal and so this allows for humans to become intrigued and therefore side-tracked on what is real to that of what is envisioned to be real. And that is something that also feeds into all the arranged paranormal groups that organise events for the paying public to go on.

Not that I'm getting at those groups - it's great they hold these events, but sometimes these can be encouraged for entertainment too so people will not get bored at 'nothing' happening... because that is what generally happens on an investigation... nothing!

But! It is anything but boring.

So, what could really be happening in these haunted locations? What could people actually be feeling and seeing?

The 'given' theories...

For those TV paranormal investigators it is easy for them to wax lyrical on what ghosts 'are' and what they 'do'... and even (according to Zak Bagans) what demons 'are' and what they 'can do'... These are just theories of portraying what they think ghosts are when in fact there is no proof at all of what ghosts are - if at all! Even the usual '3 scratches' that some people claim to get and they are told things like "it's the demon mocking the trinity of the father, the son and the holy spirit".

Well there are some theories as to what ghosts might be:

Theory 1: - "Ghosts are caused by sudden deaths or by traumatic deaths of people"

'Sudden deaths' people do not realise they are dead... so are going about their business as normal and/or interacting with the living on an intelligent level by some means or other. 'Traumatic deaths' people are those that their souls/spirits are continuing to feel the devastating effects as what happened to them.

Theory 2: - "Ghosts are telepathically projected into our realm from our own minds"

Especially if we are really wanting to see a ghost or spirit our minds can seemingly make us believe we are actually seeing a ghost or spirit.

Theory 3: - "Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) are both a natural and made thing"

If there are strong presences of EMF then it has been noted that this can cause people to be sensitive to the frequencies and therefore hallucinate. EMF can also cause headaches, feelings of dread, nausea, tingling feelings and even the hairs on your arms and neck stand on end - thus this creates the 'widely-known' aspect that this is the sensing of ghosts and spirits presence.

Theory 4: - "Subliminal suggestion"

This was a concern years ago that cinemas when showing movies would splice into the film a clip of a drink, popcorn, hotdog, etc. and this would be seen by the sub-conscious mind and suggest to the person (without knowing it) they were hungry or thirsty, and so would go an buy a drink or food. This is similar with ghosts as where people talk about ghosts and inform of haunted locations then people would inevitably get interested and so would then go out of their way to visits a location and might possibly claim to see a ghost.

Theory 5: - "Environmental conditions can play its part"

Especially mould. It is thought that airborne spores from mould can be both intoxicating and toxic. It is suggested that some mould can lead to hallucinations.

Theory 6: - "Carbon Monoxide"

It is a possibility that this causes drowsiness, hallucinations, headaches and nausea... so similar to both EMF and mould it is easy to see the conclusion of some people claiming to see ghosts or feel their presence.

All possible theories you can understand... and this is not an exhaustive list! But what if another quite plausible theory could be the key to unlocking the paranormal quandary...

Another possible Theory?

There is another belief that ghosts are not of the dead at all, but from a vastly superior intellect. It could be one of several things but all using some form of 'drone' system under cloaking technology. Patrick Ita Jackson of Quantum Paranormal has been looking into this for several years... reverse-engineering the paranormal and considering this possible theory.

You've seen many videos on You Tube regarding lights in the sky in a triangular formation and other "balls of light"... and perhaps several other sightings of spherical-shaped craft. What could they be? Are they just figments of peoples imagination? Could they be elaborate hoaxes? Who knows, but it could even be the one thing that we might be afraid to say - the possibilities of 'other-worldly' entities causing the phenomena for as yet unknown reasons.

Back in World War 2 both Allied and German air forces reported seeing metallic objects holding close proximity to their aircraft. They even tried to evade them but they managed to stick with them... and sometimes the pilots reported the objects entered the cockpit by materialising through the glass without breaking it. Sounds familiar regarding ghosts going through walls doesn't it?

The objects were called 'Foo fighters' by Allied forces... UFOs.

Now these metallic 'spheres' could be considered as 'drones', just like we humans have developed and use for entertainment and where certain forces like the police and army use for surveillance. If these drones are a superior intelligence then it is feasible to think that the advanced technologies would also be far from what we currently know... and also to remember like with us humans, there could be several differing groups out there - both positive and negative!

Patrick has theorised that the paranormal effects, like fear, tingling sensations, headaches, nausea... even 'poltergeist' activity, is caused by these spheres utilising frequency waves and thus instigating the paranormal activities. In his research he deems that they operate on a field-based propulsion system that causes a static by-product. It is a possibility that the drone/spheres communicate via point-to-point communication - some are in 'active' mode and others in 'passive' mode.

Patrick can also link this theory to cattle mutilations too, theorising that some of these negative groups do a 'hit-and-run' attack to obtain DNA... and it could also be linked to the many many people that go missing without a trace... and quite possibly the Bigfoot or Sasquatch sightings that have made media news over the decades.

So could Patrick be right? Could all the paranormal activity be down to an Alien Race monitoring us and taking samples? Or could it be an Artificial Intelligence or even us humans from the future?

...and more importantly, what do they want?

If you wish to listen to an interview that Bizarre Dimensions Podcast did with Patrick then check it out here.


Perhaps we are a source of DNA samples that is being harvested and used for historical purposes. Whoever or whatever they are they use these drone/spheres for monitoring and possibly surveillance purposes... and under the guise of a cloaking technology we 'see' them as a 'figure form'... to which then they suddenly disappear again... leaving us to think we have just seen a ghost!

According to one website regarding DNA: "The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people. The order, or sequence, of these bases determines the information available for building and maintaining an organism, similar to the way in which letters of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form words and sentences."

So could one presume that DNA is a human type of flashdrive as it holds thousands of data code strands?

Remember earlier on regarding the '3 scratches'? It could be, in fact, something taking a DNA sample of these people. And thinking about it logically, there are many people in the world that claim they find scratches on their body that they can't seem to identify a cause for or even any recollection of having scratched themselves.

Even the claim by some (like Zak Bagans and John Zaffis) that any item or valuable, such as antiques, can hold 'energy' that if brought into a home can cause paranormal activity to start. On the DNA side of things, again we can link into this and suggest that it is these drone/spheres seeking out the DNA traces or even perhaps radiation traces on these objects - thus causing activity in those locations... remove the object and the activity stops.

But why do we see 'human form' ghosts if this is the case?

Think about it from the DNA side of things. Humans have learnt to clone things using DNA sequencing... so there is a plausible argument to see that 'ghosts' are merely just cloned projections from the molecular-level information of the sampled DNA from any given location.

If a group of people who all lived and died in a local area, then surely their DNA would be there. Then all that would be required is a sample of that DNA and it could be 'cloned' in a virtual way and then get 'projected' or 'cloaked via projection' (as ghosts) from a source... the possible 'source' being the drone using a field-based propulsion system - hence why sometimes people feel tingling and their hairs stand on end (like when subjected to static electricity) when these drones are about.

And make no mistake... if these drones are around they can and will become invisible to the naked eye, like a built-in defence mechanism (hence why ghosts can appear and disappear in the blink of an eye). And what else could be in their arsenal - perhaps frequency-based weapons that manipulate the neuro-electrical impulses in the human brain and disrupt our thought patterns and brain-waves to confuse us and therefore cause irrational thoughts?

And what of so-called Mediums and those who can sense things? It might be that these people can in fact 'sense' or 'read' the communications and frequencies emitted by the drones and in a rational way interpret them as voices. It might be that some people's brains are sensitive enough to capture these signals and mistakenly think they are speaking with the spirits of dead people.

The most popular locations for alleged hauntings are hospitals, asylums, cemeteries, castles, battle grounds, etc. These locations are awash with DNA... so what if...?

Again this is just another theory... but is it really too far-fetched an idea?


There may never be a finite answer coming anytime soon as to what ghosts really are. For all we humans know, the Earth could be a huge Petri-dish... an experiment... and we are being manipulated and monitored toward an unknown end result... treated like lab rats... given these puzzles to try and solve. We just don't know.

But one thing is certain: we should never arrive at the 'catch-all' result that ghosts and spirits are of the dead, as this has never yet been proved beyond any reasonable doubt. The paranormal community really need to open their eyes and embrace other possibilities other than the same old same old. It is time for all to remove the blinkers and see the wider angles of vision.

We really ought to embrace all new theories such as Patrick Ita Jackson's... and look more deeply into those that appear at the outset as the most unbelievable as opposed to the mainstream givens, as if we continue to follow the mainstream it is easy to see that we might just be heading away from the actual truth. This is possibly the biggest mistake in modern times to rely on 17th, 18th and 19th century philosophies and techniques as they can be quite out of date.

The media are well-versed in promoting what they think only to line their own pockets financially... and this is very easy for them to do so as many people will believe in all things 'ghost-wise' and therefore fall under the spell of Ghost Adventures and Most Haunted and the rest mainly because they really believe they know what they are on about just because they are presenters and TV personalities. It is really easy to see how people can be swayed by the media - and that is so very wrong in this business!

Misdirection is the key of all media as they want your money... your viewing... your mind, soul and very existence!

So I say: "Do what the other 99% are NOT doing!" Follow other possible theories like Patrick's... and don't get dragged down by the mainstream and it's followers that will believe in nothing else! And above all, keep an open mind!

Dismissing any new theory is really just an admission that you are not keeping an open mind.